
We are a collaborative group of pharmacists who strive to advance the global level of investigational drug service and clinical research pharmacy practices. The extensive networks and diverse experience of the Peak Pharmacy Group allow you to leverage our expertise of over 50 cumulative years to develop the infrastructure and supporting metrics necessary to create innovative investigational drug services, develop easy to implement workflows for your institution and trials, and/or confidently deliver documents to your sites knowing they are consistent with current pharmacy practice.

Our strategic approach will elevate your practices to peak standardization while delivering the bespoke products, services, and care for which you are known.

  • Collaboration

    Delivering patient care through clinical research is a global collection of efforts and teamwork by patients, healthcare providers, study teams, support staff, investigational drug services pharmacies, and so many more key partnerships.


    Clinical trial workflows are only as effective as the site’s ability to implement the requirements and deliver cutting-edge therapies and procedures to their patients. We recognize that each site has unique challenges. We will guide you through how to overcome barriers that may exist between the site and the sponsor.


    Working side-by-side with you to observe your site practices and analyzing metrics, trial portfolios, and listening to your needs and aspirations, our goal is create an unparalleled, customized set of strategies and deliverables for you to utilize from the feasibility, start-up, implementation, and execution phases of clinical research patient care.

  • Protocol Design

    With over 50 years cumulative experience in both research and clinical settings, our consultants will help develop your protocols and pharmacy manuals in alignment with current practices. We have experience in a vast array of settings, from small clinic practice through to large academic institutes. We know how to design and apply best practices for safe administration of a multitude of investigational products and can help you get your drug to the patient faster. 

  • Infrastructure

    The only constant in life is change.


    Clinical research is dynamic and with that comes the needs to quickly identify industry trends. Whether you are a clinical trial sponsor working to develop a robust clinical protocol or a local oncology practice striving to open cellular studies, we will assist you in keeping a pulse on industry shifts and best practices to streamline the time from concept to enrollment.


    Looking to the future with an adaptable mindset will allow you to partner with top programs and sponsors to deliver the cutting edge patient care that our communities need and access to novel therapies that they want.


    We are here to help you assess your needs to develop the programs you desire to reach new peaks.

  • Service Department

    For clinical practices sites looking to open their Investigational Drug Service or just looking to expand their IDS footprint and number of satellites, PeakRx will guide you through the process. We can provide support to identify the ideal practice model for your site, selecting relevant software, and guide you in developing the necessary IDS standard operating procedures to develop a robust service. With experience in service line implementation, expansions, and practice changing SOP implementation, we have the expertise to provide customized recommendations while incorporating national best practices and guidelines. PeakRx will provide insights into various practice models allowing you to make strategic, intentional, educated decisions.

  • Metrics

    In clinical research, patient care and business data drives decisions. By examining practice models and key performance indicators, PeakRx will guide you to determine which metrics are relevant to your practice and highlight the achievements and needs of your IDS.


    We will help IDS sites to develop dashboards for metric tracking, the intervals at which specific metrics should be tracked, and how to derive the data to collect. We can provide analysis of the metrics collected and develop reports to justify FTE requests, infrastructure development, and capital requests. Our goal is to use this data to create a sustainable and growth oriented service ready to meet the needs of your institution and community.


    For clinical trial sponsors, we can help you to identify key metrics to capture and analyze to deliver the best clinical trial documents to your sites, improve site collaboration, increase the feasibility and implementation of protocol requirements, as well as to deliver products consistent with standard pharmacy practices.